How to Tie your Boat up Safely

stainless steel cleats are best for boats

If one end looks like this, the other end should have a stainless steel cleat on it!

Boating is a pastime that is enjoyable for all ages. Whether for travelling, fishing or just plain old heading out into the deep blue sea, boating is definitely a good way to rest and relax. However, when you are not using the boat, it is necessary that you should secure it carefully so that it is safe from even the worst elements. It is important for you to utilize the proper stainless steel cleats while tying up your boat so that you can be assured that the boat will be safe until the next time you head out to sea.

Before tying up your boat for any duration, the following considerations have to be taken in account, so the boat can be secured properly.

  • Weather: The intensity of the weather will require you to tie up your boat strongly so that it is safe during storms.
  • Knot tying ability: There are various kinds of knots that are used to secure your boat. Make sure that you use an appropriate knot. Don’t rely on guesswork!
  • Ropes: The strength and amount of rope that you have on board will effect the safety of the boat.
  • Stainless Steel Cleats: The size and type of cleats present on the boat will play an important role as well.

As a boat is an expensive investment, one should not be complacent when it comes to the weather. One minute it could be calm and the next, massive squalls could leave your boat in a wreck if not properly secured.

Therefore, it is necessary to use as many ropes to secure the boat and the cleats should also be properly fastened so that the boat will stay secure even through the most horrific storms.

When you are fastening a boat to the dock, cleats will be present on both the dock and on the boat. It is necessary to pick the cleat which is located slightly ahead of your boat and another one which is slightly behind. By putting the ropes at a an angle, you can ensure that the ropes will be firm and will easily loop around back to the boat. This will help create a strong support to protect your boat from the roughest of weathers.

Along with your ropes the anchor can also be lowered to provide the boat a bit more support. If fastening it in tidal waters then some slack should be present in the ropes, so that on the receding of the tide, the boat is not hanging out of the water!

If you need stainless steel cleats for your boat, we suggest you try Kesteloo at:

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